Android Application Development Training
in Chandigarh
Android bring you best training in Android Mobile app development. Android training in Application
Development is a 6 weeks and 6 Months Android course designed to provide essential skills and
experience with developing applications on Android mobile platform.
Development is a 6 weeks and 6 Months Android course designed to provide essential skills and
experience with developing applications on Android mobile platform.
Android is becoming very good platform for IT professionals who want to switch their career as well
as seeking for job. Now-a day’s android has made its own zone in the market as we know android
phone has various distinct features, so it is important to learn different methods of application
programming regarding this. Well, this can only be viable by Android Training in Chandigarh
The Android SDK produce the APIs & tools that are necessary to begin developing applications
on the Android platform using the Java programming language. If you want to get smarter you
must become professional in app development. We are providing you with well qualified team of
android trainers who accomplished you in well organized and well mannered way that makes
students understandable. We have mastered the Android SDK through great development and
can effortlessly transfer our knowledge and skills to you through our . We are arrange efficient
and able based training in android Application with live projects in Chandigarh and Punjab
as seeking for job. Now-a day’s android has made its own zone in the market as we know android
phone has various distinct features, so it is important to learn different methods of application
programming regarding this. Well, this can only be viable by Android Training in Chandigarh
The Android SDK produce the APIs & tools that are necessary to begin developing applications
on the Android platform using the Java programming language. If you want to get smarter you
must become professional in app development. We are providing you with well qualified team of
android trainers who accomplished you in well organized and well mannered way that makes
students understandable. We have mastered the Android SDK through great development and
can effortlessly transfer our knowledge and skills to you through our . We are arrange efficient
and able based training in android Application with live projects in Chandigarh and Punjab
Android Application Development Training Program
- Deploy and produce your very own Android application.
- Learn how Android applications work – applications lifecycle, configuration intents,
- Get a well operating comprehension of Android UI –layouts, components, screen
- Get operating skills of Android custom UI components and placement.
- Get a stronger familiarity with broadcast receivers & Android services.
- Comprehend Android net-working abilities such as for example Java XML,
- Create basic Android applications that act as an operating instance regarding the
Course Curriculum Started with Android
- Android Application fundamentals
- Android Activities & tasks
- layouts & Components
- Working on resources of Android
- Layouts & views
- Working on interaction events of Android
- Accessing of resources & grouping
Creating menus on Android
- Internal Styles & themes
- Creating dialogs, adding menus & icons
Working with notifying the users
- Working with debugging applications
- All Intent & intent filters
- Using of Toast, Status bar, dialog notification
SQL database
- Working with sqlite
- Sqlite open helper & creating a database
- Opening & closing
Content providers
- Content provider mime types of Android
- Searching for content on applications
- All editing in Adding, changing, & removing content
Graphics & Animations
- Playing with graphics in Android
- xml driven Drawing in Android
- Best practice on Canvas drawing
- Pro grammatically animations
- Tweened animations
Accessing Android hardware
- Working with the media apps
- Working with the camera
- Working with the accelerometer & compass
- Working with Bluetooth
- Animations (Creating animations, Introduction to twined animations, Applying
tweened animations)
- Accessing Android hardware (Using the media APIs, Camera, Accelerometer,
Compass, Bluetooth, Wifi
- Location Services (GPS, Google MapView, Telephony, SMS)
Career scope Android Development Training:
- Scope for the android application developers of mobile devices has grown to a great extent.
Out of all the mobile operating systems, the mobile operating system that is growing in
popularity and dividend rates is the Android operating system. Best course in android for career. - After completion of 75% of classroom training (along with practical), student is certainly
going through 2 Major Projects Training and 1 Project that is live Training the guidance of your
Well experienced Android developer.
After being hands-on in projects in addition to android development concepts students is certainly
going through interview recruitment and preparation process on it Industry learn
Android Training in Chandigarh.
For Infographic visit:-
going through interview recruitment and preparation process on it Industry learn
Android Training in Chandigarh.
For Infographic visit:-
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